All Current and Future members of the Landlords Association of Tompkins County

pledge themselves to honor the following Code of Ethics and Listserv Protocol:

Code of Ethics

    1. We will act fairly and reasonably in our dealings with tenants, and treat tenants with honesty and dignity.
    2. We will strive to provide our tenants with safe, clean and functional housing, and will adhere to all safety related codes.
    3. We will stringently practice fair housing policies as provided by law.
    4. We will respond promptly to tenant requests for service and assistance.
    5. We will strive to keep ourselves informed of and abide by applicable laws and regulations.
    6. We will be responsible, and encourage our tenants to be responsible, to our properties' neighbors. We will strive to maintain our properties so that they contribute to the neighborhoods in which they are located.
    7. We will act fairly in all matters regarding security deposits; make only those deductions which are fair; and return security deposits as promptly as possible.
    8. We will work to serve the community in which we live and do business.
    9. We as members, each agree to conduct our property management business, other business interests, and personal affairs in a manner that maintains the good will and reputation of the organization; and to refrain from acting in a manner that is unbecoming to the organization or its principles.

Listserv Protocol (Message Board)

1) The purpose of this message board is to facilitate communication among our LATC members with topics that specifically relate to our business as landlords.

2) This is the forum to share information, ask questions and further discussions relating to our professional lives as landlords.

3) By being a member of the LATC and having access to the messageboard, you are agreeing to abide by the following message board rules that are listed below.

4) Note-PLEASE ONLY SEND EMAILS THAT ARE LANDLORD RELATED and those that benefit all of our members.

5) State concisely and clearly the topic of your comments in the subject line. This allows LATC members to respond more appropriately to your posting and makes it easier for LATC members to search the archives by subject.

6) Include only the relevant portions of the original message if you reply to the group and be sure what you add is also relevant so that this well-used listserv doesn't become cluttered. Delete any header information, and put your response before the original posting.

7) If your reply to the question is applicable only to sender, do not reply to entire list..

8) Include a signature tag on all messages. Include your full name and e-mail address.

9) Religious messages as well as inappropriate or offensive material are PROHIBITED.

10) Political messages are prohibited unless they relate to local housing issues.

11) Personal or private messages should NOT be sent to the list. This includes self-promotion of business services, community announcements (not landlord related), etc.

12) All defamatory, abusive, profane, threatening, offensive, or illegal materials are strictly prohibited. Do not post anything to our message board that you would not want the world to see or that you would not want anyone to know came from you.

13) Flaming will NOT be tolerated. This means that offensive or inconsiderate replies to the list or to individuals may result in immediate removal from the list. Please let know if you are being harassed as a result of any post to the list.

14) Do not post negative information about members, tenants or vendors. A post asking people to contact you if they wish to rent/use/work with a certain individual or company is acceptable.

15) Emails to the list may expose issues, which subscribers may or may not agree with. Subscribers should refrain from posting on that same issue unless they have further insight or information. A reply of “I agree” should go the sender of the message.

16) Please keep all emails confidential. This also means that you should not forward emails to anyone who is not a LATC member.

17) Administrators may make comments- "ADMIN" in subject line.

18) Administrators reserve the right to put an end to a discussion if it gets too lengthy, gets off topic or for other appropriate reasons. Those who fail to comply can be barred by the administrators.

19) There should be no attachments. You may however offer it to LATC members as a private mailing.

20) DO post your own personal properties for sale and personal wants and needs.

21) DO post items that would benefit the membership at large.

22) DO NOT post properties for sale or rent that you are an agent for (as a Realtor or a manager) UNLESS you are responding to a member’s listserv request.

Ithaca NY and Tompkins County

PO Box 337 Ithaca, NY 14851

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